BLUM Frerich:A outlook on new image of furniture and kitchen for middle class

2017-08-17 21:35:00  房天下家居   收藏  打印  字号:T|T微信分享
[提要]2017厨博会新闻发布会后,房天下专访到了百隆家具配件(上海)有限公司 总经理代表及业务发展经理费里奇 先生(Daniel Frerichs)。

8月16日,2017中国国际厨房博览会LivingKitchen China / CIKB 2017(简称2017厨博会)新闻发布会在上海喜盈门国际建材品牌中心如期举行,来自博西家电、柏丽整体厨房、百隆五金、海蒂诗五金等众多业界嘉宾及三十多家核心媒体记者出席了发布会。

会后,房天下专访到了百隆家具配件(上海)有限公司 总经理代表及业务发展经理费里奇 先生(Daniel Frerichs)。

 BLUM Frerich

【Fang】:First it has been two mouths since you start your research,have you gotten any interesting results,or any funny perspectives about the results.

【Frerich】:Yes well we can not release too much yet OK.But what is interesting for me the research is quite wide.But we had sort people are quite awake,and people are quite critical about the quality they have in their home from the furniture from the kitchen they are not so happy.So they are really looking for improvement.That’s we can say.And we can also say it is special for the kitchen and people not so proud of their kitchen.That would be the general questions of will be released by 21st October we will try to answer the questions das the kitchen of China have image problem.

【Fang】:As we all know as a German language supplier BLUM is one of the best in the world on R&D ,have you ever had any such action like doing a deep research on a certain country like China.How do you think about this?

【Frerich】:If we had a research anywhere else as deep as we do now? BLUM have doing such research over 30 years already all over the world.We do kitchen observation and the now’s China is becog the most important kitchen market in the next 10 years.Chinese kitchen market will be as big as European market.Chinese market is very different and it is a continent.So it is not one single market and is very different cultural era.So we need to do more research and we try to push into research recently.And BLUM never do so much research in any other country.   

【Fang】: Never in country like Japan or Korea?

【Frerich】: Never.As we do research in other countries.The next to the middle class researches we do with REHAU we do our own kitchen observation also. We will have by ourselves together with design students research also more than 100 thousand households.We have only focused on the kitchen really very in depth analyzed the kitchen.We also want to understand what the china kitchen really needs.We also flow back to our R&D in Austria(which based in Austria).And I predict it will come out china specific products in the next 5 to 15 years.This is normally the time you spend on innovation you have to look at.But this is what the research on now.

【Fang】:what the topic is about by the presentation on 21st October.

【Frerich】:The topic on 21st October you mean?The lead question will be das the kitchen in China have image problem.Because we can see people are not so satisfied with the kitchen they have currently.And the people also (I don’t want to talk about the numbers now) huge amount of people are not proud to show their kitchen to their friends.

【Fang】:Another question is that how would you take advantage of these data?by what way will you release your result ?by internal way or official way or prefer to us media like we

【Frerich】:I have to get a little bit to the call of BLUM.And BLUM believes in such sustainability and localization.So if do such research we do not do it only for us for our kitchen brand friends,(we also) this is how I designed so I was deeply involved and designed it really on a scientific level.That means we can offer it to the media but we also will offer to universities in China so that the students and professors can really work with these data and really learn something from it.

【Fang】:Have you had any expectation about these(the direction or survey)?

【Frerich】:I personally have a lot.This the the beautiful thing when you do a research.You will always find things you don’t know otherwise you don’t need to do a research.So basically we start a it we said it OK we have longtime in China and we are very successful in China.We corporate with lots of partners in China we have lots friends in China.Still we do this research like we don’t really know China at all.We really want to learn the basics again.We want to understand.

【Fang】:The last question.For any special reason you two companies BLUM and REHAU work together on this research?Would you please tell us?

【Frerich】:We will share information also with AMK.Why BLUM and REHAU work together on the research ,it has no special background.BLUM and REHAU are friends and partners since a very very long time both BLUM and REHAU family companies.They have very same values.Family values and sustainability how we treat our employees.The whole setups is very similar between BLUM and REHAU.And internationally we corporate in a lot of things.For China is an important market for BLUM the same as REHAU.We have a very close relationship and this a part of our corporation basically.


